Sunday, July 27, 2008

Abbotsford: The Home of Sir Walter Scott

Our first stop in Scotland was on Tuesday at Abbotsford, the home of Sir Walter Scott!  Of course I knew who Sir Walter Scott was to a small degree (the author of Ivanhoe) but little did I know that he pioneered the historical fiction genre.  He lived from the late 17 to early 1800s, and he got really famous and his novels were translated into other languages, which also was kind of a first.  The coolest thing about his house in my opinion was his massive library.  It reminded me of Beauty and the Beast, and the libraries where you have to have a ladder to reach the top books.  Also, he was obsessed with dogs, which I think is kind of funny.  There was this giant portrait of him and his dog in his house that made me laugh a little.

a perfect hill for rolling
the beautiful gardens
skipping rocks
the water was cold but felt so good
me and Sarah
of course the one day I decide to wear a dress on the North trip we play in the water.  oops!

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