Friday, July 11, 2008

Monday, July 7

Monday was pretty awesome.  I had class all morning and loads of homework, but me and a couple friends (Lizzy and Stephen) decided we didn't want to study at home.  We rode the Tube over to the British Museum, walked around for a minute with mouths gaping at some of the Egyptian and Parthenon stuff, and then planted down in a corner to do some reading for our literature class.  Most definitely the best study session I've had in awhile.  I mean come on, who does homework in the same building that houses the Rosetta Stone?  Some pictures (PS- I have no idea what my face is doing):

That night I experienced my first West End musical: The Sound of Music.  Besides getting used to a not-Julie-Andrews Maria, and the dad kind of being a "goober" as we termed him, it was way good.  The set was amazing, and one of my favorite parts was when the von Trapp family was performing in Salzburg, they dropped banners and turned the lights up so it was like we were in the theatre they were performing in (hopefully that makes sense).  Anyway, I love musicals, and I definitely loved this one!

1 comment:

mary said...

It is just amazing to see all the fun you are having. You lucky duck! Thanks for keeping your blog up. I feel like I'm visiting these places too!!! Have fun. :)