Friday, August 15, 2008

Changing of the Guard

One of those things that you’re “supposed” to do in London is see the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace. Well.. we were obviously never too excited to go see it because we didn’t until our last Saturday. After spending the morning at Portobello Road, we took the Tube over and made our way through the crowd of people to try and see what was going on. I don’t think I’ve ever been in such a smashed crowd of people in my life. Probably it wasn’t the funnest thing ever because #1: I was smashed in between a ton of noisy, smelly tourists #2: It was raining a little bit (actually I didn’t really mind the rain but it’s something to add to my list of complaints) #3: Katie, Jacki, Stephen, and I had a tough time staying together #4: My back hurt- real bad #5: I couldn’t see anything (at least with my own eyes). Even amidst all of my complaining, there were still some good aspects of the experience like #1: I can now say that I kind of saw the changing of the guard #2: I was able to watch part of it on some guys video camera that was up high over his head.. perfect for me to watch behind #3: I enjoyed a nice hour-long walk through the parks back to the Center afterwards #4: I’m in London! Anything I do in London is pretty cool.

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