Monday, August 11, 2008

King Lear at the Globe

After an insane marathon-reading and class study of King Lear, it was pretty exciting to actually see it performed.  And not only did we just get to see King Lear, but we got to see it in the Globe Theatre: with groundling tickets.  So basically, we stood up for 4 hours pretty close to the stage.

For all of the performances at the Globe Theatre, the actors are dressed in the type of clothes that they performed in during Shakespeare's time: basically fancy clothes that usually nobility would wear.  But, they did do some of their own interpretation-type-things: 

During the storm part of the play, these almost-naked men came out from under the stage (actually right by us), covered in red and brown paint, like they were covered in blood, and they had rain sticks and ran around and make freaky noises.  ....Probably they freaked me out.  But it was cool.

Also, there was a totally disgusting scene when Regan and her husband pulled out Gloucester's eyes.  Not only did they do that horrific number and get covered in (fake) blood, but they kissed afterwards.  It was creepy creepy creepy and disgusting.

Overall the play was really good.  My only complaint is that I had terrible pain in my back, which actually made it so I never even really felt my feet get tired.  haha.

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