Sunday, July 13, 2008

A Country Walk

Yesterday (Saturday) we went on a "walk". Brother Chittock, the former Stake President of the stake we're attending, offers to lead this walk each time the BYU students are here.  I'm so glad I went!  This walk consisted of almost 10 miles of beautiful beautiful time out in the countryside (we took a train ride out of London). It's so unfortunate that my pictures can't do it justice at all, but just believe me when I say I saw some of the most picturesque and beautiful places I've ever seen in my life. Seriously I felt like I was walking through a storybook. Hope you like pictures!

Adrianne, my bunk-mate
We got really lucky with the weather.  It was overcast and beautiful but didn't rain on us.
See the lavender?
Paige, me, and Hilary (who went to Highland with me!)
Katie and Jacque
We were laughing about how these looked like the fake backgrounds that they put up in elementary school for picture day.
This was pretty steep and muddy

Old castle ruins that we wandered upon
David, Rachel, and Stephen in the freezing cold stream (?)

A cool bridge we walked under
I don't even know where this was, but it was cool enough to take a picture of
Danielle, Jacque, Katie, Rachel, Lauren, and Me in front of an old giant house that you have to pay money to tour
At the Lavender Festival (it's pretty famous, and there are just lavender fields all over.  It's beautiful (but I think I'm allergic because I kept sneezing. haha).  I also tried lavender cake and some girls got lavender icecream and one of my friends even bought some actual flowers!)

I hope these pictures of the scenery weren't boring to look at.  It was just so beautiful and I wish that everyone could have seen it with their own eyes!

1 comment:

mary said...

Oh my goodness!!! oooohhhh ahhhhhhh!