Saturday, July 12, 2008

Day Trip #2: Cambridge

On Tuesday we took a trip to Cambridge, but on the way, we first stopped at this old church in a small town named Groton. This was the church that John Winthrop (as named by Professor Holland, "the most important American that most Americans don't know about") attended before leading the Puritans of Massachusetts Bay Company over to the colonies. So, it was just a really really old church, which was really really cool.

Then we rode a couple more hours on our "coach" (bus) to Cambridge. We spent the afternoon just wandering around, and seriously, it was just so cool (I should start counting how many times I say "cool" while I'm walking around London, because it's pretty ridiculous..heh). And it was beautiful and nice weather too. And I got a Cambridge sweatshirt, which I have been wearing a ton ever since.  Here are a bunch of random pictures to kind of attempt to show what it looks like:
Ok, about this picture... I think I look really funny in it but I put it on here because I look like I photoshopped myself into the background, and the cool thing is that I did not!  I was actually here!!!

I think this might be Trinity College (Cambridge (and Oxford too) are universities are made up of different colleges which have different buildings.  Tourists can't actually go past the gate to the college (this is as close as we got) without paying.  But it's beautiful and a lot of my friends kept saying it reminded them of Harry Potter.

This is the River Cam.  You can go "punting" along the Cam, but we put it off and ran out of time.  Punting is where someone stands on the back of the boat and has this long pole that they stick into the ground to push off the bottom.

This is King's College, and also my friend Lauren and I at King's College.
We got to inside the grounds because we went to Evensong, a music-filled Church of England service, with all male choir (boys for the higher parts) and all. It was really interesting going to a different church service. A lot of the music was really beautiful, and especially the Church itself.

I can't even wrap my brain around what it would be like to go to school in a place like this!

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